immersion assembly

 Today is the first day of school and after we had our team assembly we had our first school assembly of the term . Then after that assembly we had talk about what we are doing for the term. And this term we are learning about sound music vibrations and sound travel.

Term 3 imerssion assembly

Hello and good morning it is term 3 and the theme this term is Karawhiua. Give it heaps. This term is based on being healthy and exercising. Each team presented a video on what there classes are going to do this term i really liked team 4 video idea on how they reading something that makes the food that they are reading is healthy

one of my goals i want to achieve is to be better in reading and writing and one of my other goals is to not get angry over little things.

in the holidays i played the game all week and the next week i rode my motorbike and ate food

immersion assembly transformers

our pt England always kick off whit an immersion an our staff management started us off by introducing this terms theme transformers

which is all about drama and many other things all our teams 1-5 had a skit/movie to show on what there team are gonna learn about the 2 teams that stood out to me was team’ 3 and the best team’2 skit was the scene from Matilda where bruce played by bobby john was forced by miss trunchbull played  by mrs moala to eat the chocolate cake.




Task Description: Hello here is my movie for my inquiry task.We had to come up with and idea on something to build.And how can it help team 5.What our Idea was lockers there have been a lot of stealing lately and peoples

valuables have been stolen also chrome books.So that’s were our big brains came up with this idea.

What would you build to help your class?

Thank you for your time a lot of effort was put in to this movie so don’t judge!!